Sunday, August 19, 2007

Go Now Softly Into the Stoned Days

Go Now Softly Into the Stoned Days.
Peel that facade of ever-clear interests,
Penantonic notes of soothing complacency
That rise out of the US monied-media,
Selling Hitler as child Bush,
Or the Arabs as a cock-roach plague.

Oh that fucking Iraq,
Just shit-faced into puppetery.
Who in their right-wing mind could have Gods
As bloody as our red, white and blue,
Even the Midas class
Must get sick of mansions and wasted sons.

Continue to provide, divide.
Break the workers and the minimum wage.
The scathing sun and the churning sea,
How can they shine on this inebriated kingdom,
Of electronic football religion and beer sacraments,
Cloudy, as the world, brutal.

The sickest dance beat is a boot-camp,
Brass and drum on the confused dance floor,
A battlefield of depleted uranium,
Drinks pour like blood,
Bought with money,
The unit of hell power.
Dying herds sit by the bar
Sipping poison,
That stiffens the masses and keep AT&T
With shiny clean windows,
Free from the love of poor rage.

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